ActiveFloor PRO2

ActiveFloor PRO2 has a larger floor than ActiveFloor ONE and is therefore the ideal solution for schools, libraries and in various children’s hospitals departments as well as after-school centers.

activefloor pro 2

ActiveFloor PRO2 consists of a ceiling mounted installation box with a projector, a computer and a motion-detecting camera that turns the (vinyl)floor projection into a touchscreen that can detect multiple objects. The ActiveFloor PRO2 has a medium to large size floor. The PRO2 has a small projector and installation box and is handy solution for schools, libraries and for various before and after-school care facilities.

ActivrFloor Logo


At ActiveFloor, we have developed various types of interactive floor solutions, all of which encourage movement, challenge you to new learning and at the same time provide great joy in everyday life.

  • ACTIVEFLOOR - The interactive floor

    Our interactive floor that you know from schools, kindergartens, libraries, hospitals and many other places.

  • SPORTSWALL - The interactive wall

    As the name indicates, this is our answer to a solution for the wall. Here you can play most of the games you know from the floor on the wall; and instead of using your feet you throw with balls.

  • GIGAFLOOR - A giant interactive floor

    Imagine ActiveFloor’s interactive floor, just bigger – 6 times bigger! It has now become possible to deliver interactive floors that are 6-12 m wide!


ActiveFloor’s interactive floor consists of three main elements:

1. A ceiling-mounted installation box with a projector and a computer.

2. A camera that tracks movement.

3. A white vinyl floor that makes up the foundation of your interactive playing area. 

Place the interactive floor in a room or hallway occupied by the children, and derive full advantage of the floor.